Toronto, January 30th: Lunch & Learn for MEL Software Enthusiasts
Most Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) software systems set up for international development projects fail because they end up being too complex, too expensive, and too removed from those on the ground.
Why are Canadian development organizations struggling so much to implement MEL systems?
What are the key ingredients for more meaningful and sustainable software that ensures data creates evidence and influences decision-making?
Join OCIC and Salanga on January 30, 2018 for a free Member Lunch & Learn event intended to engage in these questions, and to learn from Salanga’s experience supporting Canadian organizations in identifying and implementing technological solutions and innovations for MEL. Presenters will share the top challenges they have seen organizations face, key software requirements to keep in mind, and five fundamental lessons-learned from implementing their own MEL software – Kinaki – with Canadian partners.
Together we will explore the features Kinaki has available for project design, data collection, analysis, and reporting; how Kinaki helps Canadian partners to aggregate data at the program/organization level; new and innovative tools for qualitative data analysis and community participation; and what features we are building into Kinaki to support implementation of the Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Share with us your experiences with MEL software and ideas on how these tools can enable more efficient, in-depth tracking of the implementation of the FIAP.
When: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:30am-1:00pm
Where: Centre for Social Innovation 192 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5T
Cost: Free
Learn more and register here!