Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

Unlock the power of locally-generated knowledge and evidence-based decisions.

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is about communities owning the MEAL process end-to-end. It is an approach that capacitates diverse community members - including those who are socially, politically or economically excluded - to monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators they define to take action to achieve their goals and vision.

What we do

CoLMEAL Webinars and Workshops

We deliver webinars, talks and interactive sessions about CoLMEAL delivered to inspire thought-leaders, practitioners and donors to re-imagine power and ownership in development. Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on the latest CoLMEAL events.

CoLMEAL Toolbox

This toolbox helps organizations through all the CoLMEAL stages: from mobilization, assessment and design to data collection and use. This includes learning about the Common Scale of Progress (CSP), an approach that allows for efficient aggregation of results across diverse contexts and a variety of data collection processes and tools that are either community or project-based.

CoLMEAL Partnership

We partner with organizations to guide and mentor their teams through each step of the CoLMEAL process. From integration in project and program design, localization and contextualization, capacity building for stakeholders and training of trainers for project teams.

CoLMEAL with ADRA Canada

ADRA Canada and its implementing partners, funded by Global Affairs Canada are among the early adopters of the CoLMEAL Approach. This case study highlights some of the early results and lessons learned.

CoLMEAL Overview Leaflet

Download our CoLMEAL leaflet. Learn about CoLMEAL, the process, emerging outcomes and some fascinating case studies from Uganda and the Philippines.

What sets CoLMEAL Apart?

Learn about how CoLMEAL is different from other approaches.

How is CoLMEAL different from participatory development approaches?

Community-led development, and CoLMEAL in particular, focuses communities leading their own initiatives, while participatory development involves engaging communities in decision-making processes related to development projects. Community-led development emphasizes community ownership and control, while participatory development may involve external organizations leading the process and seeking community input. Additionally, community-led development prioritizes building local capacity and sustainability, while participatory development may focus more on immediate project outcomes.

How does CoLMEAL complement Feminist monitoring and evaluation?

CoLMEAL and Feminist M&E are complementary approaches that prioritize the perspectives and experiences of community members facing social, economic, and political exclusion. CoLMEAL involves community members taking ownership over monitoring and evaluation, while Feminist M&E takes a gender-transformative approach to M&E that seeks to address gender inequalities and power imbalances. 

Together, these approaches can help ensure that development initiatives are responsive to the needs and priorities of community members whose voices are commonly not heard, including women and girls. By combining these approaches, development initiatives can be more effective, equitable, and sustainable.

Salanga’s Role

Salanga is a thought-leader and innovating practitioner of CoLMEAL as part of the global movement of community-led programming.

Community-ownership is a core principle of Salanga’s practice and work with its partners. We support development organizations in the practical implementation of MEAL systems and enhancing their capacity in MEAL through partnerships in project implementation, training, consultancy and technology.

To support organizations in adopting the CoLMEAL approach, Salanga partners with organizations to:

  1. Assess organizational readiness to implement CoLMEAL
  2. Develop joint proposals for/advise on CoLMEAL integration into project design – including consideration for structure, systems, and accountability
  3. Update/develop policies and guidance on their CoLMEAL process
  4. Adapt the CoLMEAL capacity building framework to their organizational approach and project contexts
  5. Provide capacity building for project staff to implement CoLMEAL
  6. Facilitate reflective processes to ground and mainstream CoLMEAL into their organization

Contact us at for more information about support and partnerships related to CoLMEAL.

Watch our webinars “What is CoLMEAL?” and “Is your organization ready for CoLMEAL?” and be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up for our CoLMEAL newsletter so you never miss any updates.


Watch our webinars “What is CoLMEAL?” and “Is your organization ready for CoLMEAL?”

Scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up for our CoLMEAL newsletter so you never miss any updates.

Webinar 1: What Is CoLMEAL?

Webinar 2: Is your organization ready for CoLMEAL?

ColMEAL News

Event Summary: Pathways to Localization

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is an approach to MEAL that capacitates diverse key community members/change agents, including the marginalized and vulnerable, to continually monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators/metrics they define to take action to achieve their goals/vision.

Q&A Adapting CoLMEAL to Context

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is an approach to MEAL that capacitates diverse key community members/change agents, including the marginalized and vulnerable, to continually monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators/metrics they define to take action to achieve their goals/vision.

Is your organization ready for CoLMEAL?

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is an approach to MEAL that capacitates diverse key community members/change agents, including the marginalized and vulnerable, to continually monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators/metrics they define to take action to achieve their goals/vision.

CoLMEAL: Getting your organization and colleagues on board

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is an approach to MEAL that capacitates diverse key community members/change agents, including the marginalized and vulnerable, to continually monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators/metrics they define to take action to achieve their goals/vision.

Implementing CoLMEAL: Key Benefits & Considerations

Community-led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) can offer wonderful opportunities for capacity-building, improved engagement and participation, among other major benefits, but the approach also comes with some important considerations and limitations. 

CoLMEAL: Why it helps development

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is an approach to MEAL that capacitates diverse key community members/change agents, including the marginalized and vulnerable, to continually monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators/metrics they define to take action to achieve their goals/vision.

Community-Led MEAL: What is it and should you use it.

Community-Led Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (CoLMEAL) is an approach to MEAL that capacitates diverse key community members/change agents, including the marginalized and vulnerable, to continually monitor, analyze, share, and reflect on progress against their community development plans based on outcomes and indicators/metrics they define to take action to achieve their goals/vision.

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