SPUR Change National MEL Training

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the SPUR Change Program on behalf of ICN in collaboration with Salanga invites you to the series of MEL training:

Making Data Collection Meaningful:

This one-day intensive workshop will be a practical hands-on experience for participants to dive deeper into data collection design, participatory and feminist approaches, and technology for data collection. Together we will explore key tips and tricks for improving data collection and management and involving local partners and community members in data collection. We will review gender-sensitive, feminist and community-led approaches to data collection, and apply learning through case studies and shared experiences. Participants will talk through and engage in hands-on exercises to make decisions on using technology for data collection, based on an understanding of the pitfalls, opportunities and best practices for going digital. We will also share the top technology tools and app options for SMOs. At the end of the day you will leave with practical ideas, new M&E friends and more enthusiasm, skills and tools for ensuring your data collection is easy, empowering and impactful to you and your organization.

Who can participate?

All SMOs meeting the following Global Affairs Canada criteria across Canada are invited to participate in the program.

  • The consolidated revenue in the organization’s financial statements is equal to or less than $10 million (this limitation does not apply to educational institutions);
  • The organization does not have annual overseas expenditures exceeding $2 million in development assistance (i.e. projects administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as their main objective – regardless of the funding source);
  • SMOs can be civil society organizations, education institutions, private sector or social enterprises;
    SMOs must be legally incorporated in Canada.

What will I learn in this training?

Through a mix of practical activities and examples of effective practice you will learn how to:

  • Design a data collection strategy, including deciding what to measure and how to measure it with the engagement of different stakeholders
  • Use gender-sensitive, feminist, and participatory methods for data collection and stakeholder engagement
  • Apply community-led data collection options, decide when it makes sense to do so, and assess implications for the project.
  • Identify and prioritize data collection software needs and choose and use technology tools and apps

Workshop Learning Principles & Approaches

  1. Fun: We are warm, approachable and fun facilitators and we structure activities that are enjoyable and challenging for participants.
  2. Engage Head & Heart: We invite participants to bring their whole selves to the learning experience (not only their intellects)—for example by supporting participants to connect with themselves, each other and the beneficiaries for whom they work. We create space for connected conversations through small group work and discussion. A lot of workshop learning happens as people interact meaningfully with each other in conversation, so we get people talking together.
  3. Inclusive and Safe Space: We create a safe learning environment where views are respected, and all voices are supported to participate in ways that work for them. We purposefully vary the ways people can participate (i.e. through group plenary, small group work, individual reflection and written comments/engagement). We also challenge the paradigm of objective, neutral “expert” and commit to being self—reflective about the attitudes, values and power we ourselves bring into this process. We see ourselves as facilitators and co-learner vs. “experts.”
  4. Practical & Hands-on: We create learning situations that are practical and relevant to the learner’s context and are collaborative, authentic and provide for direct application of the new information or skills delivered in the workshop. Participants learn through action and reflecting on ways to improve their own organizational processes. We use flipcharts, stories, and demonstrations to provide content for participants and we structure hands-on exercises to follow content delivery so that learning is applied immediately. Our activities are dynamic, create energy and conversation to help participants reflect and apply learning.
  5. Honouring Diversity: We show respect for the individual learner by providing a variety of resources, methods and exercises that appeal to visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic learning preferences; we also honour participants’ existing knowledge and integrate new ideas with it by building on participants’ knowledge and experience throughout the workshop.


Natalie Zend

Training designer and facilitator. Natalie is a Certified Training and Development Practitioner and a UNICEF Results-Based Management (RBM) Master Trainer. An IAFTM Certified Professional Facilitator, she has extensive training in facilitation methods, including facilitating participatory monitoring and evaluation. Natalie has designed and facilitated 4- to 5-day Human Rights Based Approaches and RBM workshops for Global Affairs Canada staff and partners as well as UNICEF, in English, French and Spanish, and co-authored UNICEF’s corporate RBM handbook. She has supported numerous international development organizations in the field application of RBM tools and methods, through coaching, facilitation and process and systems design. She is fluent in French. Learn more about Natalie on her Linked-in Profile and on her website.

Jakub Nemec

Salanga’s Programs Director. Jakub is an expert in MEL technology and has hands-on experience with back-end design of database systems specifically for the non-profit development and humanitarian sector. He has led the piloting and roll-out of multi-lingual, cloud-based data collection systems for tracking project impact for 30+ organizations, drawing on 15+ years’ global experience in development, tech design and entrepreneurship. With a track record in international development, software design and deployment, he specializes in designing user-friendly and inclusive tech-user experiences. Jakub brings together best practices and methodologies from social justice, agile and digital principles for development to improve practices and co-create solutions focused on community-driven approaches and supporting transformational change. Learn more about Jakub on his Linked-in Profile.

David Valenta

Salanga’s Data Scientist. David is a data-enthusiast who loves crunching numbers and cracking fresh problems in quantitative data collection and analysis. He has a passion for improving development organization’s capacity in monitoring, evaluation and learning and excels in statistics and data analytics. You can find him deeply focused on his computer where he’s designing and testing an innovative online software for data management and learning called Kinaki (kinaki.ca). At Salanga he’s using his expertise to make the software user-friendly and highly functional for collecting and learning from both quantitative and qualitative data. He holds an MSc in International Development Studies, a BA in Economics and international field experience in Africa and Asia, undertaking data collection, research and analysis for baseline surveys and health evaluations.

More Info

Training Calendar

Toronto, Canada – March 3, 2020 (register)

Halifax, Canada – March 12, 2020 (register)

Regina, Canada – March 16, 2020 (register)

Winnipeg, Canada – March 18, 2020 (register)

Calgary, Canada – March 24, 2020 (register)

Vancouver, Canada – March 26, 2020 (register)

Montreal, Canada – March 30, 2020 (register)

Other links

See more details and register on the SPUR CHANGE website

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