Who We Collaborate With

We work as Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Partners on both small single-country and large multi-country programs. We work with partners to collaboratively design and implement MEAL systems. Below we highlight some of the partners and projects we have been working on most recently:

ADRA Canada

Salanga is the strategic MEL Partner to ADRA Canada and also the MEAL lead on two ongoing multi-country, grant-distributing, health and education programmes funded by Global Affairs Canada. These programmes (BRIGHT and TOGETHER) operate in Cambodia, Kenya, Uganda, Philippines, Myanmar, Niger and Sudan. Salanga provides MEAL Framework design, MEAL Planning, capacity building for programme staff, implementing partners and local partners in MEAL, CoLMEAL, Gender and Feminist Approaches, and leads the ColMEAL components in both programs. Further, Salanga co-designs qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, including HMIS (government health data). ADRA Canada has also been using Kinaki, Salanga’s SaaS MEL Solution, since 2013 in all its projects.


Read More: TOGETHER Project Announcement

Fund for Innovation and Transformation

FIT is designed to support Canadian SMOs and their global partners to test innovative solutions that advance gender equality in the Global South. Salanga is the MEAL partner for FIT, helping to establish the initial MEAL design and definitions as well as processes around monitoring innovation testing and reporting to donors. Salanga also co-designed the baseline and other data collection tools and provides capacity building in MEAL for the FIT Team and its grantees. Kinaki is used by FIT to track indicators in their performance measurement framework, aggregate results across FIT grantee’s projects and report to the donor. Kinaki is also used by some FIT grantees to track their individual projects.


Read More: Fund for Innovation and Transformation

International Development Research Centre

Salanga is the MEL technical Partner for CLARE, a research programme on Climate Adaptation and Resilience, aiming to enable socially inclusive and sustainable action to build resilience to climate change and natural hazards in Africa and Asia-Pacific. Salanga provides support in the design of the Logic Model, MEL Framework and tool design at the programme level. As well, we built capacity of project MEL leads through regular training sessions and conducted quality assurance data reviews. 


Read more: International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Youth Challenge International

Salanga acted as the MEL Technical Partner for HerStart which is a multi-country Initiative implemented in Canada, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda, funded by Global Affairs Canada. Salanga provided MEL design and capacity building for the project teams including local technology and mobile network partners via live sessions; mentoring;  a community of practice; and an online learning platform. Kinaki was used by the in-country implementing partners as well as the Canadian MEL program and executive teams to monitor and aggregate data across all the projects and report to the donor.


Read More: HERSTART Our Future

Nutrition International & African Development Bank

Salanga assessed the African Development Bank’s MEL systems and technology for tracking health and nutrition indicators. We assessed database system options and provided recommendations. We designed a custom cloud-based database system and dashboard for tracking the integration of key nutrition indicators in their projects.

“The technical support provided to the Bank helped the IT and Nutrition team to collectively developed a specific internal project for institutional sustainability measures and to standardize data collection in the internal business systems for Nutrition Dashboard…[T]he dashboard informed the Bank on its commitments to increase its nutrition smart investments in agriculture and food system projects in Africa…” – Amaka Odenigbo, Nutrition International


Read More: Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan

Canadian International Science Exchange Program

Salanga is the MEAL partner for Canadian International Science Exchange Program’s (CISEPO) technology innovation program for maternal child health, operating in the West Bank and funded by FIT. The innovation aims to improve access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic, while supporting immediate workforce strengthening and health system linkage needs through a blended technology and behavioural intervention.


Read More: A Hub and Spoke Model for Women’s Health
See what our partners have to say about us!


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